Code Club

Supporting Future Generations of Critical Thinkers.

A complete listing of all upcoming Code Clubs can be found on the Library’s website (

Supporting Future Generations of Critical Thinkers.

Code Club

From Java to Python to Scratch, these clubs engage students in a collaborative environment, help them strengthen critical thinking skills, and support key 21st century academic subjects.

The benefits of teaching kids computer coding are far-reaching. According Kendra Davey, the Library’s Program Manager for Literacy Initiatives, “computer coding is a vital skill, needed to pursue a career in the tech sector, but they are also learning to be problem solvers and creative thinkers – skills that are essential in any field and applicable across many areas of their lives.”

But there’s another—perhaps even more important—benefit of offering Code Clubs at the public library. As Davey says, “We’re free and open to all. We serve everyone regardless of ethnicity, income, and gender. Young adults from all demographics will be able to take advantage of the offering and that means giving those who are often underrepresented in the tech field the opportunity to explore bright career paths.”

Kelly Smith, founder of Prenda says, “Most Arizona kids today are surrounded with technology, but they do not have access to the resources and role models necessary to qualify them for high-paying software jobs. With an early start at the library, many of these kids will go on to

drive technological innovation and boost the state’s economy, and some may even create the next world-changing app or website.”

None of it would be possible, though, without the support of kind donors like you. With you by our side, the Pima Library Foundation and Pima County Public Library are making great strides in providing our community’s children with the opportunities they need to succeed. And with your continued support, we look forward to expanding Code Clubs to additional libraries in the future.